Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Challange

I was resently, challanged by a tiny boy named porter to name another six random facts about me, again. I valiantly accept.

1. If I could own any sort of exotic animal, it would be the possum, armidillo, or platypus.

2. I want a ping-pong ball signed by a man named....Ping-Pong.

3. I can say the alphabet backwards.

4. I want to walk into a resturaunt and say I want the Usual, and get it.

5. I got the "Jackie-Chan" award on my swim team because I tried to smash a cup on my head and it didn't work, and then they had me do it again.

6. I have been told by at least 4 people that I should be a stand up comidian. I was horrible devestated when I found out that comedians have writters and are not doing there own stuff.


Amy Coontz said...

I was so happy when I saw the new posts. I think swimming is the most physically demanding sport. Track will be a breeze.
Aunt Amy

Jessica said...

Cooper, I like your blog. I like the rubics cube being conquered. I like the random info about you. Keep up the blog. Aunt jessica

Mr. Ailstron said...

beautiful. and inspiring. I'm glad you could do that. Can't wait till EFY.

Mr. Ailstron said...

maybe you could be a comedian that writes his own stuff...

Mr. Ailstron said...

hey who's oled? do you know that guy or is he hitting on over a blog?